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Why Should I Care about Moisture?
11 Листопада, 2020 - Alessandro Mario
Edited 14 February 2024 Benefits of Measuring Moisture in Grain Processing Recent advances in moisture measurement technology are enabling forward-thinking businesses to achieve better control of their grain processing operations,…
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Moisture Control in Animal Feed Production
13 Березня, 2025 - Neal Cass
One of the big challenges in the animal feed industry is the number of different formulations that can be produced by a single plant. For each batch, it is essential…
Executive Team Update: New Leadership Announcements
20 Лютого, 2025 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
Hydronix is pleased to announce exciting changes to its executive team. Transition of Jason Laffan to Chairman Jason Laffan will transition from Chief Executive Officer to Chairman, effective February 2025.…
Hydronix Last Order Date for 2024 Delivery
18 Листопада, 2024 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
Last Order Date for 2024 Delivery Hydronix orders received before Monday, 9th December 2024, should arrive with you before Friday, 20th December, subject to stock availability and shipping times to your…
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Microwave and NIR. Complementary, not competitive, technologies
14 Червня, 2024 - Neal Cass
There is a common misconception that, where moisture measurement is required, there is a choice between NIR and microwave sensors. Both technologies can measure moisture, but each has its advantages…
Benefits of moisture control in wheat flour noodle processing
17 Квітня, 2024 - Neal Cass
Noodles are made from wheat flour which are then dried, shaped and packaged, for example, as instant noodles. In the beginning steps, water is present and could lead to problems…
Controlling moisture in cereal grain drying processes
9 Квітня, 2024 - Neal Cass
Cereal grains are used to produce animal feeds, flours, cooking oils, fuels, alcohol products, packaging materials and much more. World cereal production was forecast to be 840 Million tonnes (2023)1…
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Controlling Moisture to Minimise Food Waste
21 Лютого, 2024 - Neal Cass
Food is a vital and valuable commodity, yet according to Earth.Org1 around one-third of the world’s food, amounting to 1.3 billion tons, is either lost or wasted. The benefits of…
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Is water killing your fish?
25 Січня, 2024 - Neal Cass
Benefits of Moisture Measurement and Control in Aquafeed Production The key to optimising aquafeed production processes is to ensure stability and repeatability. Other than the quality of ingredients and process…
Holiday Hours
28 Листопада, 2023 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
The holiday season is almost up on us and Hydronix wishes to inform you of the last sales order processing dates as well as our office closure dates. Last sales…
Hydronix releases new water controller for concrete production
3 Жовтня, 2023 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
Hydronix, the leader in digital microwave moisture measurement, is releasing the latest version of the Hydro-Control (model HC07), a 10.1” touchscreen water controller compatible with the Hydro-Mix and the Hydro-Probe…
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Higher quality and more valuable feed with moisture control
7 Серпня, 2023 - Neal Cass
Knowing and controlling the moisture content of your materials from the introduction of the raw materials to the packaging of the final product is key to maximising efficiency, optimising yield…
Control Slump in Concrete Production using Moisture Sensors
24 Травня, 2023 - Neal Cass
Concrete has a worldwide consumption of approximately 1 ton per person per year, making it the second most consumed substance on Earth after water. It is comprised of three elements,…
0975AT Sensor Network Termination Cable & Termination Resistor
20 Квітня, 2023 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
A 0975AT Sensor Network Termination Cable should be used to connect the last sensor on the network to improve communication reliability. RS485 best practice requires a termination resistor to be…
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Coffee – Finding the perfect moisture from bean to cup
22 Лютого, 2023 - Alessandro Mario
Getting the perfect cup of coffee has many steps before you can enjoy that rich aroma and taste, and controlling moisture is essential to ensure the highest quality. We…
Moisture Measurement in Asphalt Production
26 Січня, 2023 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
When a panel of industry quality control experts was asked what automated measurements would add value to asphalt production, “moisture content on belts / in bins” and “automatic gradation and…
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The benefits of online measurement over offline laboratory tests
13 Січня, 2023 - Alessandro Mario
Moisture is a constantly varying component in the raw materials for many industrial applications and it is becoming more critical to measure and control accurately. Often laboratory tests are seen…
Holiday Opening Times
1 Грудня, 2022 - Fran Buchmann-Dinis
It is this time of year again, and we want to make you aware of our closing times during this busy period. Sales order processing: All orders received before Monday,…
Hydronix releases three new sensors providing one complete product range
28 Листопада, 2022 - Neal Cass
Hydronix announces today the official release of its three latest digital microwave moisture sensors: the Hydro-Mix XT-EX and the Hydro-Mix HT-EX are suitable for installation in explosive atmospheres, specifically for dust…
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Water Underwater?
22 Листопада, 2022 - Alessandro Mario
One of the significant factors in feed production is the ingredients’ moisture content. At various times, this needs to be raised or lowered to produce a particular consistency or otherwise…
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Using Moisture Control to reduce the environmental impact of Agri-Food processing
16 Серпня, 2022 - Neal Cass
Few people realise that around 30% of the world’s energy is consumed by agri-food systems [1]. Energy is also responsible for a third of agri-food systems’ greenhouse gas emissions. Given…
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7 things to consider when improving moisture control in food production
11 Травня, 2022 - Neal Cass
In the manufacture of foodstuffs, achieving the right moisture content is paramount. Too little moisture in the ingredients and the product might go stale too quickly or have an incorrect…
Modbus RTU support
4 Квітня, 2022 - admin
Hydronix is now supporting the Modbus RTU communication protocol. All moisture sensors utilising firmware HS0102 v1.11.00 or above have the option to enable Modbus. Most recent sensors can be upgraded…
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Capturing and using moisture measurement data: ‘Big Moisture’
22 Березня, 2022 - Neal Cass
For many industries, measurement and control of the moisture in materials is vital. Whether it be adding the incorrect amount of water spoils the product or over-drying it wastes energy,…
Holiday Season Opening Hours
29 Листопада, 2021 - admin
2022 is nearly upon us and we are informing you about the opening and closing times of our worldwide offices including the deadline for order processing. Sales Order Processing: All…
Moisture Control in Clay Brick Production
3 Листопада, 2021 - admin
Bricks have been in use for thousands of years and form the basic structures of our civilisation. Originally, the brick making process was manual and involved clay being moulded and…
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Concentration Measurement in Cocoa Powder Production
23 Вересня, 2021 - admin
When manufacturing powders, for example, dried drinking chocolate, it is common practice to concentrate a liquid before spray drying and this is typically done in an evaporator. The material is…
Controlling Moisture in Self-Compacting Concrete
16 Липня, 2021 - admin
With the growing popularity of specialist concretes such as self-compacting concrete (SCC), the need for information about the raw materials has increased considerably for manufacturers. The processes used to produce…
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Moisture Measurement – an Essential for Automating Concrete Production
6 Липня, 2021 - Neal Cass
The current worldwide health challenges are causing many organisations to adjust their working practices to minimise the staff involved in a site whilst still managing full production schedules. Automation is…
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Controlling moisture in corn/maize
4 Травня, 2021 - admin
Corn, also known as maize, is one of the world most cultivated crops. Corn can be used for human consumption, animal feed and fuel. It can be heavily processed to…
Controlling moisture in the Rapeseed Oil extraction process
19 Березня, 2021 - admin
Rapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant commonly known as oilseed rape. Rapeseed is an increasingly widely cultivated plant that has become popular due to its beneficial…
Controlling Moisture in Dried Sugar Beet Pulp
1 Лютого, 2021 - admin
The increasing cost of inputs such as raw materials, energy and labour are forcing sugar beet processors to look more closely at controlling their overall cost of production. A simple…
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Are All Moisture Sensors Equal?
19 Січня, 2021 - Alessandro Mario
When working with materials that can hold water, it is always important to know how much water is contained inside it. Depending on the size of the particles, storage method,…
Holiday Season Opening Times
2 Грудня, 2020 - admin
The holiday season is near us and we wanted to communicate when our worldwide offices will be available as well as inform you about the lead time for repairs and…
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Using Moisture Sensors to Control Slump
21 Жовтня, 2020 - Neal Cass
Concrete has a worldwide consumption of approximately 1 tonne per person per year, making it the second most consumed substance on Earth after water. It is comprised of three elements:…
New Releases: Hydro-View and Hydro-Hub
20 Жовтня, 2020 - admin
Hydronix has been busy and is now releasing two products, both are available immediately: Hydro-View (Model HV05)Model HV05 replaces the previous Model HV04 which has been discontinued. The latest version…
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Moisture Measurement in Rice Production
1 Жовтня, 2020 - Neal Cass
Increasing Product Quality and Yield While Reducing Energy Costs India is the second-largest producer of rice in the World, second only to China, and processing approximately 155.682 million metric tons…
Moisture Control in Almond Processing
30 Вересня, 2020 - admin
The Almond is an edible nut which can be eaten whole or processed for inclusion in other food products. The United States is the largest producer of almonds in the…
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Back to the Future
14 Вересня, 2020 - Alessandro Mario
At the door to 2021, we don’t yet have hoverboards or flying cars like the DeLorean of “Back to the Future” and not everything predicted in the pop culture movies…
Neal Cass celebrated 13 years with Hydronix
11 Вересня, 2020 - admin
Neal Cass joined Hydronix in 2007 as a Customer Service Engineer. He was managing the customer relationship from a technical service’s perspective and in February 2011 he was promoted to…
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Moisture Measurement Benefit in Feed and Grain
12 Серпня, 2020 - Neal Cass
Feed and grain producers will be familiar with the benefits of being able to control moisture during the various stages of the production process. Monitoring the moisture in the raw…
Hydronix has moved to Henley Business Park
1 Липня, 2020 - admin
We are delighted to announce that Hydronix has moved to new purpose-built premises with effect from the 30th September 2019. We have specifically designed our new building to facilitate our…
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